
Our Innovations

Time and again we come up with situations in our day-to-day practice, which are difficult to manage, not only from a clinical perspective, but also due to resource limitation. This may stem up due to limited availability, the cost involved, lack of expertise or other patient related factors.

While majority of medications and devices are now available in India, cost remains a major limitation. While these devices are routinely covered under insurance in the West, that is not the case in India. At the same time, universal health insurance is far from reality.

Since most of the research happens in the West, the medical devices so conceived are customized to their population. The conditions in India are very different, the disease spectrum is very different. Hence, many a times, the standard approach may not be extrapolated to our patient category. The risk of infections in India is higher, the climatic conditions are different, the per capita income is lower, and the healthcare utilization is much lower.

These factors demand low-cost innovative solutions to tackle challenging solutions, where existing treatment options may not be suitable. Over the years, we have come up with few innovations and pushed them into the public domain. As a result, few of these have become standardized and have been adopted in the West as well.

We are happy to share some of these innovations.

The Hitch Stitch

An innovative solution for T tube obstruction

EBUS Forceps Biopsy

Innovative solution of persistent air leaks – CESB

CESB for Hemoptysis