
Daycare procedures

While we offer various OPD consultation services, we also perform certain daycare procedures on an outpatient basis, which include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Thoracocentesis – This is also known as pleural tapping, wherein we remove water that has accumulated outsed the lungs in the pleural cavity. The same is then sent for various tests which are useful to diagnose certain conditions like cancer, Tuberculosis, other infections, etc.
  2. Outpatient intravenous antibiotic administration – This is for patients who require long term antibiotics, but have difficulty to do so at home. Supervised antibiotic administration can help overcome challenges such as any untoward side effects and complications which may arise.
  3. Drug induced sleep endoscopy – This is a procedure meant for people with snoring and sleep apnea, wherein sleep is induced using sedatives, following which a small endoscope is passed to check for obstruction that leads to snoring at various levels and accordingly a corrective surgery can be planned.
  4. Allergy tests – This is meant for people with various skin, food and respiratory allergies that are severe enough to disturb the quality of life. This test involves administration of certain allergens in small doses on the volar aspect of the forearm and subsequesntly check the reaction that takes place. This is also an out-patient procedure performed under supervision to recognize and treat any complications during the procedure.
  5. Other procedures such as intercostal drains, daycare bronchoscopy, etc. will be offered shortly.