Exciting News! Join us for the 1st Conclave of Advanced Pulmonary Interventions (CAPI)
24th 25th August 2024
Internation Faculty


Dr. Ravindra Mehta
Dr. V R Pattabhiraman
Dr. Arjun Srinivasan
Dr. Sahjal Dhooria
Dr. Prof. Aravind Kumar
Dr. Inderpaul Singh
Dr. Ranganatha R
Dr. Rajiv Goyal
Dr. Dharmesh Patel
Dr. Prashant Chajjed
Dr. Ritesh Agarwal
Dr. Karan Madan
Dr. Nagarajun Maturu
Dr. Murali Mohan
Dr. Gajanan Gavde
Dr. Shylendra
Dr. Jayaraj
Dr. Sashibhushan
Dr. Vishnu Sharma
Dr. Sunil Kumar
Dr. Mohan Rao
Dr. Rajani Bhat
Dr. Rohan Aurangabadwala
Dr. Shyam Krishnan
Dr. Rakesh Godara
Dr. Pavan Biraris
Dr. Hariprasad Kalpakkam
Dr. Sameer Bansal
Dr. Rohit Vadala
Dr. Lokesh Gutta
Dr. Chinmay Nagesh
Dr. Archana
Dr. Hareesha S
Registration Charges
- Indian Nationality
Trainees Rs.5k , Consultants Rs.8k - International delegates – $150
Access to All Events
- International $50
- Indian – Rs. 2k
Event Highlights
Comprehensive discussions
- In-depth, 360-degree coverage of the topics
- Focus on innovations
- Expert perspectives
- Case based discussions for better understanding
Hands-on workshop on animal models
- Learning objectives and senior faculty at every station
- Case simulations
- Practice your skills
- Learn about various fellowship programs in India – meet the directors
Interactive sessions
- PG quiz
- IP video competition with exciting prizes to be won
Day 1 (24-8-2024)
Session 1 Over View
Overview of IP in TB | Dr Ravindra Mehta | 1.15 pm – 1.35 pm |
Session 2 Diagnostic in TB Chairperson- Dr.KS Satish/Dr.Shyam Krishnan
Radiological Manifestation of TB- IP Perspective | Dr.Harisha V | 1.30 pm-1.45 pm |
TB Diagnosis – Conventional Strategies & choosing right test- EBB, TBB, BAL, cTBNA | Dr.Atul C Mehta | 1.50 pm- 2.15 pm |
Question & Answer Session | 2.15 pm- 2.25 pm |
Session -3 Diagnostics in TB Chairpersons – Dr.Ranganath/Dr.Sandeepa H S
TB Diagnosis – Advanced Strategies: EBUS, EUS-B, Cryobiopsy, Navigation Bronchoscopy, Robotics | Dr.Karan Madan | 2.25 pm-2.45 pm |
TB Diagnostics in the Pleura- From “pleural tap” to “pleuroscope” | Dr.Dharmesh Pate | 2.50 pm- 3.05 pm |
Question & Answer Session | 3.05 pm- 3.15 pm |
Case-Based Discussions – (3 cases) 7 mins each case + 3 mins discussion | 23.15 pm- 3.45 pm |
Dr.Subho Sarkar, Dr.Pavan Biraris, Dr.Kaumudi Devi | Dr. P Arjun,Dr.Ranganath, Dr.Alemelu, Dr.Shylendra |
TEA BREAK | 3.45PM- 4.00PM |
Session 4 Therapeutics in TB Chairpersons- Dr. Archana/Dr.Rajiv Goyal
Airway Involvement in TB- Pathology, clinical presentation & medical options | Dr.Nagarjuna Maturu | 4.00 pm-4.15 pm |
Plumbing for TB stenosis: An Algorithm for Airway Therapeutics | Dr.Pattabhiraman | 4.20 pm- 4.35 pm |
Question & Answer Session | 4.35 pm- 4.45 pm |
Session 5 Therapeutics in TB Chairpersons – Dr. Keerti / Dr.Sahajal Dhooria
TB and Complicated Pleura-when to medicate/ drain/ lyze or operate | Dr.Ritesh Agarwal | 4.45 pm- 5.05 pm |
PAL with TB | Dr.Inderpal Singh | 5.10 pm- 5.25 pm |
Surgical Management in TB- When and What to Refer (Stenosis, Empyema, and Leaks) | Dr.Arvind Kumar | 5.30 pm- 5.50 pm |
Question & Answer Session | 5.50 pm- 6.00 pm |
Case-Based Discussions – (3 cases) 7 mins each case + 3 mins discussion | 6.00PM- 6.30PM |
Dr.Shivlingaswamy, Dr.Rakesh Godara, Dr.Srivatsa Lokeswaran | Dr.Sashibhushan,Dr.Jayaraj,Dr. Karan Madan, Dr.Rajani Bhat |
Session -6 Oration & Felicitation- A Legacy unveiledSession -6 Oration & Felicitation- A Legacy unveiled : My journey in IP
Chairperson- Dr.Rajiv Goyal | Dr.Jayachandra | 6.35 pm-7.00 pm |
Video competition- Judges- Dr.Arjun Srinivasan, Dr.Sameer Bansal | 7.00 pm-7.15 pm |
Day 2 (25-8-2024)
Session – 1: Massive Hemoptysis Management- Chair- Pragati, Prashant Chajjed, Melvin Tay
OvMassive Hemoptysis – An overview- etiology and current concepts in management | Dr. Udit Chadda | 8.30AM- 8.50AM (1 PM, NY) |
The Conventional Approach- BAE | Dr. Chinmay | 8.55 AM-9.10 AM |
Bronchoscopic approach to massive hemoptysis- Do’s and dont’s | Dr. Tim Murgu | 9.15 AM- 9.35AM |
Question & Answer Session | 9.35AM- 9.45AM |
Case-Based Discussions – (2 cases) 7 mins each case + 3 mins discussion | 9.45 AM-10.05 AM |
Dr. Shyam Krishnan, Dr. Sunil Kumar | Dr. Prashant Chajjed, Dr. Jayachandra, Dr.Uday Kakodkar, Dr. Mohanrao |
TEA BREAK | 10.05 AM- 10.15 AM |
Session – 2: Pneumothorax Management Chair- Dr. Muralimohan/ Dr.Inderpaul/ Dr. Rakesh
RPneumothorax Management Overview (PSP & SSP) – IP Perspective with recent guidelines | Dr. Arjun Srinivasan | 110.15AM-10.35 AM |
Strategies for management of Pneumothoraces- from tubes to newer ambulatory devices | Dr. Melvin Tay | 10.40AM – 11.00 AM |
Question & Answer Session | 11.00 AM – 11.10 AM |
Session-3: Chair- Dr. Ritesh Agarwal/ Dr. Pavan Biraris/ Dr. Vishnu Sharma
TPleurodesis for pneumothorax – What, When, and How? | Dr.Sahajal Dhooria | 11.10AM-11.25 AM |
PAL – Approach and treatment algorithm | Dr.Ravindra Mehta | 11.30 AM-11.45AM |
Question & Answer Session | 11.45 AM- 11.55 AM |
Case-Based Discussions – (3 cases) 7 mins each case + 3 mins discussion | 12.00 PM-12.30PM |
Dr. Rohan A, Dr. Pavan Yadav, Dr. Rohit Vadala | Dr. Rajiv Goyal, Dr. Ritesh Agarwal, Dr. Dharmesh Patel, Dr. Melvin Tay |
(Carefully curated hands-on stations to master the lessons learned in the sessions)
Special feature for aspiring IP trainees – MEET THE IP PROGRAM DIRECTORS